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Displaying results 81 - 88 of 298
  • Content Type: Report

    The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiology (CSTE), in collaboration with Thought Bridge, LLC, recently developed the Improving the… read more
    … four broad categories: technical guidance and certification; changes, updates, customization, … four broad categories: technical guidance and certification; changes, updates, customization, …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Influenza is a significant public health problems in the US leading to over one million hospitalizations in the elderly population (age 65 and over) annually. While influenza preparedness is an important public health issue, previous… read more
    … in the elderly population. These findings fail to document the intricacies of each unique influenza season, … for susceptible populations such as the elderly. Document … in the elderly population.2 These findings fail to document the intricacies of each unique influenza season, …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    In 2011, the CDC released the PHIN Implementation Guide (IG) for Syndromic Surveillance v.1 under the Public Health Information Network. In the intervening years, new technological advancements, EHR capabilities as well as epidemiological and… read more
    … released further updates via an Erratum and a technical document developed with NIST to clarify validation policies and testing parameters. These documents were consolidated into the Message Guide v.2.1 … released further updates via an Erratum and a technical document developed with NIST to clarify validation policies …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Since hepatitis A vaccination became widely recommended in the US in the mid-1990's, rates of acute hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection have steadily declined, however, since 2011, incidence of new cases of HAV appears to be increasing1, often linked… read more
    … Alert Network Advisory in June 2018 with additional guidance on identification and prevention of HAV and updates … Alert Network Advisory in June 2018 with additional guidance on identification and prevention of HAV and updates …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The Syndromic Surveillance Consortium of Southeast Texas (SSCSeT) consists of 13 stakeholders who represent 19 counties or jurisdictions in the Texas Gulf Coast region and receives health data from over 100 providers. The Houston Health Department (… read more
    … Meaningful Use (MU) the HHD has adapted and implemented guidance and recommendations from Centers for Disease … Meaningful Use (MU) the HHD has adapted and implemented guidance and recommendations from Centers for Disease …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The main stay of recording patient data is the free text of electronic medical records (EMR). While stating the chief complaint and history of presenting illness in the patients ‘own words’, the rest of the electronic note is written by the provider… read more
    … often use boiler-plate templates from EMR pull-downs to document information on the patient in the form of … often use boiler-plate templates from EMR pull-downs to document information on the patient in the form of …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    CPC provides the 24/7/365 poison hotline for the entire state of North Carolina and currently handles approximately 80,000 calls per year. CPC consultation services that assist callers with poison exposure, diagnosis, optimal patient management,… read more
    … patient management, therapy, and patient disposition guidance remain indispensable to the public and health care … patient management, therapy, and patient disposition guidance remain indispensable to the public and health care …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    To review current trends and issues in the development and use of mobile apps for public health surveillance and decision making in settings with different resource availability and technological development. The panel discussion will address cross-… read more
    … to ensure representativeness. This panel will provide guidance for future development and utility of mobile apps … to ensure representativeness. This panel will provide guidance for future development and utility of mobile apps …