Overdose Surveillance (ODS) Subcommittee Calls

Through peer-to-peer collaborative activities, members of the NSSP CoP come together virtually to share information, build knowledge, develop expertise, and solve problems aimed at improving syndromic surveillance practice.
Visit the subcommittee homepage where you can stay connected with other syndromic surveillance practitioners by joining the NSSP CoP! Find additional information about open NSSP CoP-related subcommittees, workgroups, and user groups. For further questions email syndromic@cste.org.
- May 2020 (Topic: Secondary Outcomes of COVID-19: Mental Health, Substance Use, and Injury) - Recording, Slides
- March 2020 (Topic: Public Health Impact: Drug Overdose Deaths) - Recording, Slides, Agenda
- January 2020 (Topic: Overdose Data to Action, Brief Overview - Lawrence Scholl, CDC) - Recording, Slides, Agenda
- July 2019 (Topic: Secondary Outcomes of COVID-19: Mental Health, Substance Use, and Injury) - Recording
- March 2019 (Topic: Public Health Impact: Drug Overdose Deaths) - Recording
- November 2018 (Topic: Nevada Opioid Surveillance Data Dashboard; Using GIS for Opioid Crisis in Colorado) - Recording
- September 2018 (Topic: What's Coming Next for Overdose Deaths: Resurgence of Methamphetamine) - Recording
- July 2018 (Topic: Using Alternatives to Opioids (ALTOs) in Colorado Hospital Emergency Departments) - Recording
- May 2018 (Topic: CSTE Poison Indicators Workgroup; Synthetic Marijuana with Coagulopathy) - Recording
- March 2018 (Topic: Opioid Overdose Calls to Florida Poison Information Center Network; Public health and Poison Center Collaboration in Oregon) - Recording
- December 2017 (Topic: Validation Guide for Substance Overdose Surveillance; Review EMS Presentations) - Recording
- October 2017 (Topic: Using EMS Data as Surveillance Tool for Substance Abuse; Using National-Level Data to Track the Opioid Epidemic) - Recording
- August 2017 (Topic: Enhanced State Opioid Surveillance (ESOOS)) - Recording
- June 2017 (Topic: ISDS and CSTE Overdose Surveillance Committees Discussion) - Recording
- June 2017 (Topic: Kick-Off Call; ODSC Survey Results ) - Recording