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Improving the Quality of Completeness and Electronic Health Record Data Used in Syndromic Surveillance Final Report


The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiology (CSTE), in collaboration with Thought Bridge, LLC, recently developed the Improving the Quality of Completeness and Electronic Health Record Data Used in Syndromic Surveillance Final Report which aimed to identify data quality issues and develop short- (6 months or less) and long-term (>6 months) recommendations. 

Findings are based on semi-structured interviews conducted from NSSP CoP Data Quality Subcommittee members and monthly workgroup meetings where twenty-one data quality issues were identified and categories into four broad categories: technical guidance and certification; changes, updates, customization, and standards; processes and workflow; and relationships. 

The report includes a plan and timeframe that health departments, vendors, and federal partners can follow in their collaboration to implement the proposed 12 recommendations. 

View the report here.

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