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Displaying results 113 - 120 of 378
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This syndrome was created as a part of the Arizona Arboviral Syndrome Surveillance Project, which includes bi-weekly monitoring of syndromic data to enhance traditional surveillance. The syndrome was initially created using BioSesne 2.0 phpMyAdmin… read more
    … using BioSesne 2.0 phpMyAdmin and later transitioned to ESSENCE. (zika andnot r[ue]zika) or ziki or (zica andnot … using BioSesne 2.0 phpMyAdmin and later transitioned to ESSENCE. … 1134 … Zika - Arizona …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This syndrome was created to query NSSP ESSENCE on Rabies Exposure and Rabies PEP S Syndromic Surveillance System - NSSP ESSENCE Data source - Emergency Room Visits Fields used - Chief Complaint History and Discharge Diagnosis History OR… read more
    … This syndrome was created to query NSSP ESSENCE on Rabies Exposure and Rabies PEP S Syndromic Surveillance System - NSSP ESSENCE Data source - Emergency Room Visits Fields used - …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This syndrome was created as a way to integrate the H-CUP Opioid-Related Hospital Use definition into ESSENCE. H-CUP is the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project and we believe their Opioid-Related Hospital Use definition is a great starting point… read more
    … the H-CUP Opioid-Related Hospital Use definition into ESSENCE. H-CUP is the Healthcare Cost and Utilization …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Most children spend a significant portion of their time in daycare or at school. CSTE's Environmental Health in School workgroup identified these days/hours as a setting for possible "occupational" exposures. The CSTE EH in School Workgroup created… read more
    … "school-related" emergency department (ED) visits using ESSENCE. Search Terms: “in school” or “at school” “in …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This syndrome attempts to capture Opioid, Cocaine and Meth Injection Drug Use hospital visits. The syndrome was developed using NSSP ESSNECE and evaluated on Maricopa County emergency department and inpatient data. Fields used in ESSENCE include… read more
    … hospital visits. The syndrome was developed using NSSP ESSNECE and evaluated on Maricopa County emergency department and inpatient data. Fields used in ESSENCE include Admit Reason Combo, Cheif Complaint History …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Although syndromic surveillance cannot serve its intended purpose without the timely public health response launched after aberration detection, the literature is very limited with respect to response to syndromic surveillance… read more
    … protocols was based on experience with a single system, ESSENCE, and concluded that careful development of an … protocols was based on ex- perience with a single system, ESSENCE, and con- cluded that careful development of an …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) operates over 880 outpatient clinics across the nation. The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory’s Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE) utilizes… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE) utilizes VHA ICD9 coded outpatient visit data for … The hemorrhagic illness (HI) syndrome category in ESSENCE is comprised of 25 different ICD9 codes, including …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Syndromic surveillance is the surveillance of healthrelated data that precedes diagnosis to detect a disease outbreak or other health related event that warrants a public health response. Though syndromic surveillance is… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) which it has deployed in partnership with the … information including data from Biosense and ESSENCE. The University of Pittsburgh has also developed a …