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School-Related Visits - CSTE Environmental Health in School Workgroup

Most children spend a significant portion of their time in daycare or at school. CSTE's Environmental Health in School workgroup identified these days/hours as a setting for possible "occupational" exposures. The CSTE EH in School Workgroup created and validated this triage note query for "school-related" emergency department (ED) visits using ESSENCE.

Search Terms:

“in school” or “at school”

“in recess” or “at recess”

“in daycare” or “at daycare” with either daycare or day care, as long as they don’t explicitly state they are “not in/at daycare”



Future Considerations:

Consider including other search terms (“student” and “teacher”)

Consider exclusions (“not currently,” “not in school,” “denies bullying,” “underachievement in school,” “expelled,” and “does well in school”)

Syndrome Definition

Search Terms:

“in school” or “at school”

“in recess” or “at recess”

“in daycare” or “at daycare” with either daycare or day care, as long as they don’t explicitly state they are “not in/at daycare”


^[ia][nt] school^,or,^[ia][nt] recess^,or,(,(,^[ia][nt] dayc^,or,^[ia][nt] day c^,),andnot,(,^not [ia][nt] dayc^,or,^not [ia][nt] day c^,),)


Please see the attached pdf file for the CSTE presentation on the development and validation.

Submitting Author Organization
CSTE Environmental Health in School Workgroup
Submitting Author Email
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