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Displaying results 273 - 280 of 298
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Versatile, user-friendly visualization tools are required to organize the wealth of information available to users of large, regional surveillance systems into a coherent view of population health status. Communications … read more
    … which can be used to develop future system enhancements.  Document … on system usage patterns during simulated exercises and documenta- tion of investigation practices observed during …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    T-Cube is especially useful for rapidly retrieving responses to ad-hoc queries against large datasets of additive time series labeled using a set of categorical attributes. It can be used as a general tool to support any task… read more
    … as many kinds of complex automated analyses feasible. Document … /ENU (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents for quality printing on desktop printers and proofers. Created PDF documents can be opened with Acrobat and Adobe Reader 5.0 …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Washoe County District Health Department (WCDHD) is a local health district serving nearly 400,000 residents in Washoe County including cities of Reno and Sparks, the second largest urban area in Nevada. To enhance overall public health surveillance… read more
    … existing syndromic surveillance systems in WCDHD, Nevada. Document … is performed by the same staff who monitors signal(s) and documents in a spreadsheet. Staff reports signals to the …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    This paper describes a hybrid (event-based and indicator-based) surveillance platform designed to streamline the collaboration between domain experts and machine learning algorithms for detection, prediction and response to health-related events (… read more
    … to health-related events (such as disease outbreaks). Document … (SMS messages, RSS feeds, email list (e.g., ProMed), documents, web pages, electronic medical records, animal …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Current practices of automated case detection fall into the extremes of diagnostic accuracy and timeliness. In regards to diagnostic accuracy, electronic laboratory reporting (ELR) is at one extreme and syndromic surveillance is at… read more
    … of our recently developed automated BCD system. Document … L, Lussier Y, Hripcsak G. Automated encoding of clinical documents based on natural language processing. J Am Med …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Current methods for influenza surveillance include laboratory confirmed case reporting, sentinel physician reporting of Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI) and chief-complaint monitoring from emergency departments (EDs). The current… read more
    … at the Allegheny County Health Department. Document … L, Lussier Y, Hripcsak G. Automated encoding of clinical documents based on natural language processing. J Am Med …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Nigeria is one of the three countries in the world with ongoing wild poliovirus (WPV) transmission, alongside Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nigeria also experiences outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2). Following the… read more
    … its usefulness, performance and key system attributes. Document Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance System … on key surveillance indicators. We also reviewed relevant documents and reports. Results Funding and logistics for AFP …
  • Content Type: Webinar

    Presented October 25, 2017. In regular contact with abattoir workers during inspections, USDA APHIS Georgia employees noticed very few employees using proper PPE, and observed risky slaughter and processing practices  at both small and large… read more
    … the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Document Abattoir Outreach Materials.pdf … DISEASE RISKS IN … CFSPH foR MoRe InfoRMatIon, see the ‘DIsInfectIon 101’ DocuMent at ? Information not found …