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Displaying results 249 - 256 of 378
  • Content Type: Abstract

    One of the greatest hurdles for BioSense Onboarding is the process of validating data received to ensure it contains Data Elements of Interest (DEOI) needed for syndromic surveillance. Efforts to automate this process are critical to meet existing… read more
    … future initiatives and will apply to both BioSense, Essence and other BioSense program applications. BioSense … future initiatives and will apply to both BioSense, Essence and other BioSense program applications. BioSense …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Overdose deaths involving opioids (i.e., opioid pain relievers and illicit opioids such as heroin) accounted for at least 63% (N = 33,091) of overdose deaths in 2015. Overdose deaths related to illicit opioids, heroin and illicitly-manufactured… read more
    … System for the Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), allows for tailored syndrome queries and can … System for the Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), allows for tailored syndrome queries and can …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    North Carolina hosted the 2018 FEI WEG in Polk County at the Tryon Equestrian Center in September 2018. Polk County, located in the Mountain region of Western North Carolina, is home to 20,357 people, and the population is widely distributed. Event… read more
    … syndromic surveillance systems (NC DETECT and NSSP ESSENCE), Public Health Epidemiologists from Atrium Health … syndromic surveillance systems (NC DETECT and NSSP ESSENCE), Public Health Epidemiologists from Atrium Health …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Objective: This is an updated to the All Traffic-related submitted in 2018. The goal is to capture all traffic-related injuries presenting for healthcare, regardless of intent or vehicle type, to allow monitoring of long-term trends… read more
    … events, or weather. Syndromic Surveillance System: ESSENCE (NSSP) Data sources: Emergency Department and … events, or weather. Syndromic Surveillance System: ESSENCE (NSSP) Data sources: Emergency Department and …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Since 2008, drug overdose deaths exceeded the number of motor vehicle traffic-related deaths in Indiana and the gap continues to widen1. As the opioid crisis rages on in the United States the federal government is providing funding opportunities to… read more
    … captured in Indiana’s syndromic surveillance system (ESSENCE). ISDH is launching a pilot project to encourage … captured in Indiana’s syndromic surveillance system (ESSENCE). ISDH is launching a pilot project to encourage …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    NPDS is a near real-time surveillance system and national database operated by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. NPDS receives records of all calls made to the 55 regional US poison centers (PCs). The Centers for Disease Control… read more
    … Alternative analysis tools such as those employed by ESSENCE and other computerized data surveillance systems … Alternative analysis tools such as those employed by ESSENCE and other computerized data surveillance systems …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    In the past 15 years, public health surveillance has undergone a revolution driven by advances in information technology (IT) with vast improvements in the collection, analysis, visualization, and reporting of health data. Mobile technologies and… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) used by several state and local jurisdictions and … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) used by several state and local jurisdictions and …
  • Content Type: Webinar

    United States federal, state and local public health often collaborate with poison centers (PCs) for hazardous exposure and illness surveillance. The primary goals of this collaboration are to improve public health surveillance for hazardous… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) to conduct chemical-related illness and injury … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) to conduct chemical-related illness and injury …