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Displaying results 225 - 232 of 378
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Data streams related to case severity have been added to the Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), a disease-monitoring application used by the Department of Defense (DoD), as an additional… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), a disease-monitoring application used by the … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), a disease-monitoring application used by the …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This syndrome was created to monitor emergency room visits related to opioid abuse in Suburban Cook County, IL. It is adapted from CDC’s Opioid Overdose v2 syndrome, and expanded to include terms for opioid withdrawal, injection site infections, and… read more
    … opioids. This syndrome definition was developed in ESSENCE (NSSP) and validated using manual review and … Document Opioid_Abuse_Syndrome_Definition_ESSENCE_Cook_County_2019.txt Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The Joint VA/DoD BioSurveillance System for Emerging Biological Threats project seeks to improve situational awareness of the health of VA/DoD populations by combining their respective data. Each system uses a version of the Electronic Surveillance… read more
    … for Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE); a combined version is being tested. The current … for Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE); a combined version is being tested. The current …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    This query was created as a collaboration between the ISDS Syndrome Definition Committee (SDC) members with input from the CDC, Division of Violence… read more
    … The query has been added to NSSP BioSense Platform ESSENCE as a CC and DD Category called SDC Suicide-related … The query has been added to NSSP BioSense Platform ESSENCE as a CC and DD Category called SDC Suicide-related …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Biosurveillance systems commonly depend on free-text chief complaints (CC)s for timely situational awareness. However, diagnosis codes may not be available soon enough and may have uncertain value because they are assigned for billing purposes… read more
    … patient arrival times has been implemented in versions of ESSENCE and in NCDETECT [1]. While effective for finding … patient arrival times has been implemented in versions of ESSENCE and in NCDETECT [1]. While effective for finding …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Oregon’s statewide syndromic surveillance system (Oregon ESSENCE) has been operational since 2012. Non-federal emergency department data (and several of their associated urgent care centers) are the primary source for the system, although other… read more
    … Oregon’s statewide syndromic surveillance system (Oregon ESSENCE) has been operational since 2012. Non-federal … statewide syndromic surveillance system (Oregon ESSENCE) has been operational since 2012. Non-federal …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    On September 10, 2017, Irma made landfall in the Florida Keys as a Category 4 hurricane and subsequently tracked up the west side of the state. Due to the size of the storm, it impacted nearly all of Florida. The Electronic Surveillance System for… read more
    … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE-FL), the state’s syndromic surveillance system, … for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE-FL), the state’s syndromic surveillance system, …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Although the advent of the ONCs "meaningful use" criteria has added significant new incentives for healthcare organizations to provide the necessary data for implementing syndromic surveillance, incentives alone are not sufficient to sustain a… read more
    … in the north central Texas region with BioSense 1 and ESSENCE over the past six years, and will describe the … in the north central Texas region with BioSense 1 and ESSENCE over the past 6 years and will describe the …