Displaying results 1 - 8 of 4231
Utility of Syndromic Surveillance Using Novel Clinical Data Sources
Content Type: Abstract
Discusses the current state of syndromic surveillance using inpatient and ambulatory clinical data in the United States and the potential utility of the data. The Meaningful Use Stages 2 and 3 regulations incentivize the use of these data sources.… read more -
The Use of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) Coding in Identifying Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Health System Data: Implications for Surveillance
Content Type: Abstract
In the United States, 800,000-1.4 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV); these persons are at increased risk for chronic liver disease and its sequelae. Current national viral hepatitis surveillance is a passive… read more -
Utility of System Generated Syndromic Surveillance Alerts to Detect Reportable Disease Outbreaks
Content Type: Abstract
Reportable disease case data are entered into Merlin by all 67 county health departments in Florida and assigned confirmed, probable, or suspect case status. De-identified reportable disease data from Merlin are sent to ESSENCE-FL once an hour for… read more -
Utilization of Various Data Sources to Locate West Nile Clusters in Tulsa County
Content Type: Abstract
As the summer temperatures soared to their highest ever recorded, Oklahoma experienced its highest disease count ever since the disease had been discovered in New York in 1999. Tulsa County is the second most populous county in Oklahoma and… read more -
When it Rains it Pours: Real-time Situational Awareness for Two Weather Emergencies in Connecticut
Content Type: Abstract
On August 28, 2011 Tropical Storm Irene made landfall in Connecticut. On October 29, 2011 Connecticut was impacted by Winter Storm Alfred. Both of these storms included high winds and heavy precipitation which resulted in prolonged power outages,… read more -
Who's Not Coming to Dinner? Evaluating Trends in Online Restaurant Reservations for Outbreak Surveillance
Content Type: Abstract
Epidemiologists, public health agencies and scientists increasingly augment traditional surveillance systems with alternative data sources such as, digital surveillance systems utilizing news reports and social media, over-the-counter medication… read more -
Carbon Monoxide - Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Content Type: Syndrome
This syndrome was created to query NSSP ESSENCE on CO Poisoning and Exposure Kansas just made CO Poisoning a mandatory reportable disease, but this was done so rapidly that hospital didn't have the chance to get reporting measures/alerts in place… read more -
Storms - Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Content Type: Syndrome
This is a cluster of syndromes created to populate an extreme weather myESSENCE tab. The intent was to increase repeatability of our weather surveillance and have something where a user can use the "Change Region" option to select whatever county,… read more