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Displaying results 153 - 160 of 298
  • Content Type: Abstract

    PyConTextKit is a web-based platform that extracts entities from clinical text and provides relevant metadata - for example, whether the entity is negated or hypothetical - using simple lexical clues occurring in the window of text surrounding the… read more
    … of clinical reports for public health surveillance. Document … of documents to be annotated,management of a lexicon, document annotation using the lexicon,view of annotation results, document classification based on the annotations and summary …
  • Content Type: Webinar

    Presenter April 30, 2018. The ease with which users can interact with databases in R has drastically improved the ease, convenience, and speed with which users can "talk to" larger datasets than it is possible to hold in memory.  Without… read more
    … assets" in an R toolchain - namely RMarkdown documents and Shiny applications. View the webinar slides … assets" in an R toolchain - namely RMarkdown documents and Shiny applications. … Using databases and …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Why the syndrome was created: The purpose of CDC Medication Refill v1 is to monitor visits for any medication/prescription that a patient may have run out of. Anything repetitive that needs routine refill visits - dialysis,… read more
    … notes): Chief complaint, discharge diagnosis Supporting documents: CDC Medication Refill v1 Authors: Lakshmi … notes): Chief complaint, discharge diagnosis Supporting documents: CDC Medication Refill v1 Authors: Lakshmi …
  • Content Type: Webinar

    The National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) is conducting a three-part webinar series to describe how data will flow to the BioSense Platform. This comprehensive series explores how data are ingested into the BioSense Platform and ESSENCE… read more
    … Data Management Team Shayne Galloway , Health Scientist Document Biosense_Platform_Dataflow_Part2_Slides.pdf … … 2. DEVELOPMENT ü  Create baseline Master Facility Tables ü Document data flow o  Establish data mart o  Develop User …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Query purpose: To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected nonfatal overdoses involving any drug using syndromic surveillance… read more
    … definition development began with the DOSE team reviewing guidance from the United States Drug Enforcement … CDC Document CDC All Drug Overdose v3 Parsed Technical Brief and …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The NBS is an integrated disease surveillance system deployed in 22 public health jurisdictions to support receipt, investigation, analysis and reporting, and data exchange for state reportable conditions. The NBS is governed by the Centers for… read more
    … health workflow management of incoming messages and documents.  Submitted by Magou on Mon, 07/17/2017 - 01:00 … … health workflow management of incoming messages and documents.  … NEDSS Base System (NBS): Electronic Data …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Why the syndrome was created: CDC staff were interested in understanding new uses for syndromic surveillance data, particularly in relation to maternal health and health-… read more
    … notes): Chief complaint, discharge diagnosis Supporting documents: CDC Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss and Delivery v1 … notes): Chief complaint, discharge diagnosis Supporting documents: CDC Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss and Delivery v1 …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    To understand the types of false positive cases identified by an Influenza-like illness (ILI) text classifier by measuring the prevalence of ILI-related concepts that are negated, hypothetical, include explicit mention of temporality, experienced by… read more
    … described in templated text that is difficult to process. Document … on symptoms, problems, or findings from electronic note documents. False positive extractions may be due to concepts … of these strings. Two reviewers annotated the same document set with a third reviewer completing a blinded …