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Displaying results 145 - 152 of 298
  • Content Type: Report

    This report summarizes a series of Data Sharing Workgroups that occurred in 2014 and 2015. Purpose of the workgroups: To provide community input on topics related to data sharing functionalities in the BioSense platform. Summary of work: The… read more
    … Sharing Functionality in BioSense 2.0 January 2015 This document is intended for sharing with the BioSense … expanded data sharing agreements but feels that without guidance from the Governance Group on the above issues, this …
  • Content Type: Presentation Slides

    Presentation slides from April 10, 2016 Meaningful Use Community Call   read more
    … presentation slides here Friday, April 1, 2016 - 12:00 Document …  create  and  send  a  constrained   transi@on  of  care  document  to  a  public  health  agency,  accept  a  URL   …  MU  regula@ons:   h;p://­‐and-­‐Guidance/Legisla@on/ EHRIncen@vePrograms/index.html   •  …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Natural language processing algorithms that accurately screen clinical documents for suspected pneumonia must extract and reason about whether these mentions provide evidence that supports, refutes, or represents uncertainty. Our efforts extend… read more
    … processing algorithms that accurately screen clinical documents for suspected pneumonia must extract and reason … processing algorithms that accurately screen clinical documents for suspected pneumonia must extract and reason …
  • Content Type: Success Stories

    Extreme heat events caused by high environmental temperatures are considered a major cause of weather-related deaths and injury in the United States. These events can result in a spectrum of conditions known as heat-related illnesses (HRIs), which… read more
    … recommends in their 2016 HRI syndrome query guidance document: … References 1. Heat-Related Illness Syndrome Query: A Guidance Document For Implementing Heat-Related Illness …
  • Content Type: Presentation Slides

    These slides detail the process of onboarding syndromic surveillance data into BioSense for the state of Arizona.
    … Manoj Collier Krystal Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - 12:00 Document …  Process   Onboarding  Prep  (Registra*on,  DUA,  Guidance)   Kick-­‐Off  (Conference  call  with  all …
  • Content Type: Presentation Slides

    This presentation walks the Arizona health departments through the process of onboarding and references available documentation to assist in the process.
    … View the slides here Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - 12:00 Document …  Process   Onboarding  Prep  (Registra*on,  DUA,  Guidance)   Kick-­‐Off  (Conference  call  with  all …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Query purpose: To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department visits for suspected nonfatal stimulant-involved overdoses using syndromic surveillance data… read more
    … development began with the DOSE team reviewing guidance from the United States Drug Enforcement … refer^,),),) CDC Document CDC All Stimulant Overdose v4 Parsed Technical …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Query purpose: To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected nonfatal opioid-involved overdoses using syndromic surveillance… read more
    … as opioid-involved overdoses, but it is not always documented in the chief complaint whether the patient was … CDC Document CDC All Opioid Overdose v4 Parsed Technical Brief … Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) System Guidance Syndromic Surveillance Definition Factsheet and …