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Displaying results 105 - 112 of 298
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The benefits of inter-jurisdictional data sharing have been touted as a hallmark of BioSense 2.0, a cloud-based computing platform for syndromic surveillance. A key feature of the BioSense 2.0 platform is the ability to share data across… read more
    … however, we intend for the feedback captured in this document to lead to improvements in the BioSense 2.0 … $ 1. A$user$guide$that$provides$practical$guidance$for$using$BioSense$in$practice$ …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    In spite of the noted benefits of syndromic surveillance, and more than a decade after it started gaining support, the primary use for syndromic surveillance appears to be largely for seasonal and jurisdictional disease monitoring, event response… read more
    … outbreaks. This research will provide stakeholders with guidance on how best to implement and improve ESSENCE usage … outbreaks. This research will provide stakeholders with guidance on how best to implement and improve ESSENCE usage …
  • Content Type: References

    Conflicting activities related to marijuana at state and federal levels raise questions as to whether a new federal/state legal relationship concerning marijuana legalization is forthcoming. The Network for Public Health Law has been tracking… read more
    … throughout U.S. states in recent years, federal guidance issued in January 2018 is at odds with this … throughout U.S. states in recent years, federal guidance issued in January 2018 is at odds with this …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 and Ebola in 2014 have shown increasingly that infectious diseases can spread globally in a short timeframe, affecting both high- and low-income countries… read more
    … on Global Health Security at Chatham House is producing guidance that will address both the policy and technical … on Global Health Security at Chatham House is producing guidance that will address both the policy and technical …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    Query purpose: To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for heat-related illness.Definition description: The Heat… read more
    … syntax. The guide, Heat-Related Illness Syndrome Query: A Guidance Document for Implementing Heat-Related Illness Syndromic …
  • Content Type: Syndrome

    … scientists first started developing the definition using guidance from CSTE and SAMSHA. They then built the query … stimulant^,),) CDC Document CDC Stimulant Definition v2.docx Submitted by … scientists first started developing the definition using guidance from CSTE and SAMSHA. They then built the query …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    Lack of speed, reliability, and uniformity of data collection limit the ability of syndromic surveillance (SyS) systems to provide public health authorities (PHAs) with timely information on community health threats and trends. Electronic… read more
    … implemented with inconsistencies that spring from guidance ambiguities or misinterpretations. Inserting … implemented with inconsistencies that spring from guidance ambiguities or misinterpretations. Inserting …
  • Content Type: Abstract

    The National Syndromic Surveillance Program's (NSSP) instance of ESSENCE* in the BioSense Platform generates about 35,000 statistical alerts each week. Local ESSENCE instances can generate as many as 5,000 statistical alerts each week. While some… read more
    … the importance of these statistical alerts. Ultimately, guidance can be developed to help syndromic surveillance … the importance of these statistical alerts. Ultimately, guidance can be developed to help syndromic surveillance …