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Disease Transmission

Why the syndrome was created:

The purpose of the CDC Legionella v1 ESSENCE query is to capture potential visits related to Legionella. It is useful to identify potential cases for follow-up, conduct situation awareness and monitoring of outbreaks, and perform retrospective trend monitoring across geographic regions to identify possible disease hotspots, etc.

Data sources the syndrome was used on (e.g., emergency room, EMS, air quality):

Emergency room

Submitted by hmccall on

Syndromic surveillance data such as the incidence of influenza-like illness (ILI) is broadly monitored to provide awareness of respiratory disease epidemiology. Diverse algorithms have been employed to find geospatial trends in surveillance data, however, these methods often do not point to a route of transmission. We seek to use correlations between regions in time series data to identify patterns that point to transmission trends and routes. Toward this aim, we employ network analysis to summarize the correlation structure between regions, whereas also providing an interpretation based on infectious disease transmission. 

Cross-correlation has been used to quantify associations between climate variables and disease transmission. The related method of autocorrelation has been widely used to identify patterns in time series surveillance data. This research seeks to improve interpretation of time series data and shed light on the spatial–temporal transmission of respiratory infections based on cross-correlation of ILI case rates.



Time series of ILI events are often used to depict case rates in different regions. We explore the suitability of network visualization to highlight geographic patterns in this data on the basis of cross-correlation of the time series data. 

Submitted by hparton on

Timely and effective public health decision-making for control and prevention of acute respiratory infectious diseases relies on early disease detection, pathogen properties, and information on contact behavior affecting transmission. However, data on contact behavior are currently limited, and when available are commonly obtained from traditional self-reported contact surveys. Information for contacts among school-aged children is especially limited, even though children frequently have higher attack rates than adults, and school-related transmission is commonly predictive of subsequent community-wide outbreaks, especially for pandemic influenza.

Within this context, high-quality data are needed about social contacts. Precise contact estimates can be used in mathematical models to understand infectious disease transmission and better target surveillance efforts. Here we report preliminary data from an ongoing 2- year study to collect social contact data on school-aged children and examine the transmission dynamics of an influenza pandemic.



To enhance public health surveillance and response for acute respiratory infectious diseases by understanding social contacts among school-aged children

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

The global effort of malaria control is in line with the one world one health concept, but then a globally defined ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ malaria control strategy would be inefficient in endemic areas. Plasmodium falciparum is the type of malaria parasite that most often causes severe and life-threatening malaria. People get malaria by being bitten by an infective female Anopheles mosquito. Regional malaria elimination campaigns in 1940s followed by the Global Malaria Eradication Program in 1955 did not succeed in eliminating malaria from subSaharan Africa, which accounts for 80% of today’s burden of malaria. The basic reproductive number, Ro, has played a central role in epidemiological theory for malaria and other infectious diseases because it provides an index of transmission intensity and establishes threshold criteria.


To examine the likely impact of malaria parasite intervention points for a steady state regional control program in endemic areas

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

This syndrome was created as a part of the Arboviral Syndromic Surveillance Project in Arizona, which includes bi-weekly monitoring of syndromic data to enhance traditional arboviral surveillance. The syndrome was developed using BioSense 2.0 phpMyAdmin and later transitioned to ESSENCE. The syndrome queries chief complaint and discharge diagnosis code

Submitted by rkumar on

This syndrome was created as a part of the Arboviral Syndromic Surveillance Project in Arizona, which includes bi-weekly monitoring of syndromic data to enhance traditional arboviral surveillance. The syndrome was developed using BioSense 2.0 phpMyAdmin and later transitioned to ESSENCE. The syndrome queries chief complaint and discharge diagnosis code

Submitted by rkumar on

This syndrome was created as a part of the Arizona Arboviral Syndrome Surveillance Project, which includes bi-weekly monitoring of syndromic data to enhance traditional surveillance. The syndrome was initially created using BioSesne 2.0 phpMyAdmin and later transitioned to ESSENCE.

Submitted by rkumar on

Cysticercosis is a frequent health problem in developing countries. The disease is due to infection by Taenia solium larvae and is predominant in areas where pigs and humans cohabite. Inappropriate breeding conditions and poor hygiene especially inadequate disposal or management of faeces are factors responsible of disease's transmission. In human, there are various clinical manifestations but the neurological involvement is particular severe as it frequently causes epilepsy which has an important socio economic impact among communities.

Submitted by uysz on

Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a severe illness that spread in the human population through human-to-human transmission. In the past, EVD outbreaks occurred in the rural communities of Africa, near tropical rainforests, but the most recent outbreak in West Africa has also involved major urban areas and big cities, with air travel playing an important role in its spread.On July 23, 2014, the EVD outbreak was declared in Nigeria following the confirmation of EVD in a traveller, who arrived acutely ill at the international airport in Lagos, South Western Nigeria from Liberia .The outbreak subsequently filtered to a South Southern Nigeria city, by a symptomatic contact who escaped surveillance in Lagos and flew to the South Southern city.


This study describes the epidemiological characteristics and the transmission dynamics of the EVD outbreak in a South-Southern city of Nigeria.

Submitted by rmathes on

As the lead for coordinating domestic incident management across all Federal departments and agencies, Department of Homeland Security is responsible for identifying emergency response resources. The 2014 Ebola – Zaire outbreak in West Africa that became a Public Health Emergency of International Concern highlighted the need to understand the current and potential availability of diagnostic assays for a number of viral hemorrhagic fevers that may require similar response actions. A concatenated list of publically reported potential viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostic assays was therefore compiled. Etiologic agents in the families of Arena-, Bunya-, Filo-, and Flaviviridae were included in the analysis. This list identifies assays in various stages of development that could be submitted, at some point, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) should such a need arise.


Provide a succinct review of potential developmental and commercial viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostic assays published in peer-reviewed literature and open-source platforms.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on