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School Disease Transmission: Has the time come for coordination between monitors and modelers?


Guoyan Zhang and Anthony Llau, Miami-Dade County Health Department, have been instrumental in developing the School-Based Absentee Surveillance System (SBASS), which uses school absentee data to identify outbreaks as part of syndromic surveillance. Gail Potter focuses on developing analytical methodology to model infectious disease transmission over social networks, with a recent focus on modeling influenza transmission in schools. Historically, there has been little coordination between monitors and modelers of school disease transmission. However, given the progress presented in these two 30-minute presentations and the growing understanding of the importance of schools in infectious disease transmission, the potential benefits of and possibilities for coordination will be discussed.


Gail Potter, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Guoyan Zhang, MD, MPH, Miami-Dade County Health Department

Anthony Llau, MPH, Miami-Dade County Health Department

Date and Time

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


ISDS Research Committee

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