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Prioritization: a difficult word, and technique, to master. A review of prioritization approaches to multi-dimensional problems in health settings


In a context of finite resources, multiple needs and growing demands of organizational accountability, there has been an increase in the number of multi-dimensional prioritization exercises (of diseases, interventions, etc) in the health arena. Not all of them following robust methodologies. The seminar will explore robust techniques for the prioritization of alternatives in health settings. Specifically, the seminar will introduce the subject of multi-dimensional decision problems, review common mistakes in the application of prioritization techniques, explore new methodologies, and describe applications in the field of spatial risk prioritization.


Victor Del Rio Vilas, DVM, MBA, MSc, PhD, Pan American Health Organization

Gilberto Montibeller, MSc, PhD, London School of Economics

Kim Stevens, MScAgric, BScAgric, FHEA, Royal Veterinary College, London


August 01, 2013