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Stein Zachary

A step-wise article on developing this syndrome definition can be found in the April 2019 NSSP Update

This syndrome is an initial attempt at an improved Drowning and Submersion query in NSSP ESSENCE. It was developed starting with the existing ESSENCE SubSyndrome for DrowningOrSubmersion.

Submitted by ZSteinKS on

This syndrome is a work-in-progress and was created to experiment with Chief Complaint text indicating a language barrier between medical professionals and patient and/or an interpreter is needed to provide medical care.

This was developed on the NSSP ESSENCE CCQV data in the Processed Chief Complaint field. I suspect Triage Notes would also contain this type of information if you receive that field.

Submitted by ZSteinKS on

Presented December 20, 2018.

The presentation will provide a summary of the epidemiology of AFM during the increase in cases in 2018 and updates on CDC’s AFM activities.


Adriana Lopez, MHS, Epidemiologist, Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases 

Zach Stein, MPH, Syndromic Surveillance Analyst, ICF Contractor Supporting Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services 

KDHE has updated the exhisting CO Poisoning Surveillance queries. Version 1 can be found here…

Previously, we were querying for carbon monoxide-related cases by using the NSSP ESSENCE SubSyndrome for COPoisoning coupled with an ICD10 CM diagnosis code query. SubSyndrome and ICD10 queries had to be run separately and then combined and de-duplicated.

Submitted by ZSteinKS on

This is a cluster of syndromes created to populate an extreme weather myESSENCE tab. The intent was to increase repeatability of our weather surveillance and have something where a user can use the "Change Region" option to select whatever county, or counties, experienced storm activity. This is still a major work-in progress.

All of this as done in NSSP ESSENCE on Emergency Room data. Fields are specified by each syndrome definition.

Submitted by ZSteinKS on

This syndrome was created to query NSSP ESSENCE on CO Poisoning and Exposure

Kansas just made CO Poisoning a mandatory reportable disease, but this was done so rapidly that hospital didn't have the chance to get reporting measures/alerts in place so many of our CO Poisonings went unreported. This set of queries was created to find these cases through EDs and then educate/remind hospitals of the legislation changes.

Submitted by ZSteinKS on

Across the U.S.A., multiple people seek treatment for fireworks-related injuries around the July 4th holiday. Syndromic surveillance in Kansas allows for near real-time analysis of the injuries occurring during the firework selling season. During the 2017 July 4th holiday, the Kansas Syndromic Surveillance Program (KSSP) production data feed received data from 88 EDs at excellent quality and timeliness. Previous and current firework safety messaging in Kansas is dependent on voluntary reporting from hospitals across the state. With widespread coverage of EDs by KSSP, data can be more complete and timely to better drive analysis and public information.


To develop a syndrome definition and analyze syndromic surveillance data usefulness in surveillance of firework-related emergency department visits in Kansas.

Submitted by elamb on