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Infectious Disease


Every year nearly 12 million new cases of syphilis in the world are registered. Currently, in many countries of the world the stabilization or even reduction of the incidence of syphilis is marked, but this does not apply to Ukraine. The current stage of development of the syphilis problem in Ukraine is characterized by not only high morbidity, but also the fact that in the overwhelming number of cases, we are talking about the latent forms and atypical manifestations of the disease and resistance to therapy [1]. Preventive and prophylactic measures are important in maintaining the public health. Predicting the dynamics of disease spreading allows developing appropriate countermeasures and ensuring rational use of human and material resources. Qualitative forecast of syphilis spreading is possible to implement by means of mathematical modeling. 


Submitted by uysz on

"The UPMC Center for Health Security developed the Infectious Disease Cost Calculator (IDCC) to provide new national and global estimates of the economic burden of infectious diseases. Cost data provided by the IDCC can inform decisions about investments in preventing and controlling infectious diseases at the national and global levels. The IDCC is being launched with data for dengue and cholera, and other diseases will be added in the future."

Submitted by ctong on

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that antibiotic-resistant infections affect 2 million people and cause 23,000 deaths annually in the United States. It is well documented that the primary driver of antibiotic resistance is the use of antibiotics, whether appropriate or inappropriate. The more that is known about how antibiotics are used in all healthcare settings, the more effective stewardship efforts can be to improve how antibiotics are used.