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Infectious Disease


Assigning causes of deaths to seasonal infectious diseases is difficult in part due to laboratory testing prior to death being uncommon. Since influenza (and other common respiratory pathogens) are therefore notoriously underreported as a (contributing) cause of death in deathcause statistics modeling studies are commonly used to estimate the impact of influenza on mortality.


To estimate mortality attributable to influenza adjusted for other common respiratory pathogens, baseline seasonal trends and extreme temperatures.

Submitted by Magou on

The primary goal of syndromic surveillance is early recognition of disease trends, in order to identify and control infectious disease outbreaks, such as influenza. For surveillance of influenza-like illness (ILI), public health departments receive data from multiple sources with varying degrees of patient acuity, including outpatient clinics and emergency departments. However, the lack of standardization of these data sources may lead to varying baseline levels of ILI activity within a local area.


To examine the baseline influenza-like illness (ILI) rates in the emergency departments (ED) of a large academic medical center (AMC), community hospital (CH), and neighboring adult and pediatric primary care clinics.

Submitted by Magou on

Anthrax is endemic in the South Caucasus region. There is a lack of understanding of the regional epidemiology of the causative pathogen, Bacillus anthracis, and the trans-boundary factors related to its persistence.


The purpose of this study was to describe anthrax foci along the Georgia-Azerbaijan border and to describe control measures in identified areas.

Submitted by Magou on

Local transmission of Zika virus has been confirmed in 67 countries worldwide and in 46 countries or territories in the Americas. On February 1, 2016 the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern due to the increase in microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil. Several countries issued travel warnings for pregnant women travelling to Zika-affected countries with Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and El Salvador advising against pregnancy. The risk of local transmission in unaffected regions is unknown but potentially significant where competent Zika vectors are present and also given the additional complexities of sexual transmission and population mobility. Despite the rapid spread of Zika virus across the Americas and global concerns regarding its effects on fetuses, little is known about the pattern of spread. Knowledge of the direction and the speed of movement of disease is invaluable for public health response planning, including the timing and placement of interventions.


To estimate the velocity of Zika virus disease spread in Brazil using data on confirmed Zika virus disease cases at the municipal-level.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Rabies is a zoonotic disease of high public health importance. There have been documented reports of rabies in vaccinated dogs. Rabies is enzootic in domestic dogs in Nigeria. Hence, annual vaccination campaigns of dogs are advocated with the aim of rabies elimination. Vaccination status, type of vaccination and the immunogenicity of the various rabies vaccines used in Abuja Nigeria has not been studied. To date, no effective medical therapy has been established for rabies. Most human rabies deaths occur in the developing countries and though effective and economical control measures are available their application in developing countries is hampered by a range of economic, social and political factors. It is widely recognized that the number of deaths officially reported in most developing countries greatly underestimates the true incidence of disease, with several factors contributing to widespread underreporting. Preventive vaccination against rabies virus is a highly effective method for preventing rabies in humans and animals but do people vaccinate and how long does the immunity conferred by the vaccine remain protective in the dogs in Abuja. Rabies has high financial expenditure burden on any country where it is endemic mainly associated with costs incurred on post-exposure prophylaxis (determined by the type of vaccine, vaccine regimen and route of administration as well as the type of immunoglobulin used).


To determine the vaccination status of owned dogs, assess the rabies antibody titre of vaccinated dogs and risk factors associated with vaccination of dogs in Abuja, Nigeria.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

School-based influenza surveillance has been considered for real-time monitoring of influenza, as children 5-17 years old play an important role in community-level transmission.


To determine if all-cause and cause-specific school absences improve predictions of virologically confirmed influenza in the community.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Despite the significance of disease reporting to any health system, Grenada like most countries struggle with underreporting of notifiable diseases by physicians. In order to improve the national disease surveillance system in Grenada, it is critical understand the reasons for any underreporting. The study was conducted to determine physicians’ knowledge of notifiable reporting and to identify the barriers to reporting.


The study was carried out to determine physicians’ knowledge of notifiable reporting and to identify the barriers to reporting in Grenada

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonotic, protozoal infection that is endemic in Georgia, which commonly affects young children. In recent years, the incidence of VL has increased sharply and the geographic distribution has increased. Recently, VL moved to highly populated areas as new foci appeared from 2010-2015, during which, 610 laboratory confirmed cases of VL were registered in Georgia. The majority of cases were found in East Georgia (94.2%) and 5.8% of cases in West Georgia (representing new foci of VL in Georgia).


The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis in Georgia and to define new control measures.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Newcastle disease (ND) is the most important infectious viral disease of poultry. The world-wide economic loss from it is 2-3 billion USD per year. ND is reportable to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). ND is caused by virulent strains of avian Paramyxoviruses belonging to type 1. Industrial poultry farming is rapidly developing in Ukraine. Ornithological fauna of Ukraine includes about four hundred species of birds, 207 of which nest within its borders. The territory of Ukraine transits 3 out of 14 transcontinental global migration flows. The wild birds are the main natural reservoir of ND agents. It is necessary to control the intensity of post-vaccination immunity in poultry and the timing of revaccinations. OIE recommends enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and HI test for these purposes. However, it should be noted that HI test, possessing high specificity and sensitivity, is much cheaper. Therefore, it is the excellent means for ND timely surveillance.


A test kit for the detection of antibodies to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) based on haemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay has been developed and introduced into practice for the first time in Ukraine.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Please join ISDS and CDC for an information webinar related to syndromic surveillance of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in the US.On May 2, 2014, the first U.S. imported case of MERS was confirmed in Indiana.  Guidance was recently distributed for users of various syndromic surveillance systems to report conditions related to MERS to the CDC using the template developed (the guidance can be found by scrolling down to the MERS folder at this link).