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Infectious Disease


Natural language processing algorithms that accurately screen clinical documents for suspected pneumonia must extract and reason about whether these mentions provide evidence that supports, refutes, or represents uncertainty. Our efforts extend existing algorithms [1] and taxonomies [2] that can be leveraged by NLP tools for more accurate handling of uncertainty for suspected pneumonia case review.


We sought to classify evidence that supports, refutes, or contributes uncertainty when reviewing cases of suspected pneumonia. We extend an existing taxonomy of uncertainty to classify these phenomena with the goal of improving existing Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms.

Submitted by Magou on

School children are the primary introducers and significant transmission sources of influenza virus among their families and surrounding communities [1,2]. Therefore, schools play an important role in amplifying influenza transmission in communities. Using school-related data sources may be an informative addition to existing influenza surveillance. Unplanned school closures (USCs) are common, occur frequently for various reasons, and affect millions of students across the country [3]. Information about USCs is publicly available in real-time. For this study, we evaluated usability of applying USC data for ILI surveillance.


Evaluate usability of alternative data sources, such as public announcements of unplanned school closures, for additional insight regarding influenza-like illness (ILI) activity.

Submitted by Magou on

Using influenza like illness (ILI) data from the repository held by AFHSC, and publically available malaria data we characterized similarities and differences between military and civilian outbreaks. Pete Riley et al. utilized a similar ILI dataset to investigate civilian and military outbreaks similarity during the 2009 flu epidemic. They found, overall, high similarity between civilian and military outbreaks, with military peaking roughly one week after civilian. Our analysis is meant to extend their analysis temporally, geographically, and to see if such trends hold true for other diseases.


Compare and contrast military and civilian outbreaks for malaria and influenza like illness to identify indicators for early warning and detection

Submitted by rmathes on

While the link between excess winter mortality and winter respiratory diseases in the elderly is well described, the impact of the epidemic of influenza in the elderly is mainly assessed in France through specific surveillance in the general population. Syndromic surveillance data enables to monitor ED attendances and hospitalizations for various diagnostic codes groupings throughout the influenza epidemic, some of which often cited as influenza proxies, such as cardiorespiratory diagnostic groups.

In mainland France, the 2014-15 season was characterized by an intense influenza epidemic in the community (sub-type A(H3N2) dominant virus). Hospital overcrowding was early reported, partly linked to serious clinical presentations among the elderly, and leading to the triggering of a national emergency plan.

We hypothesized that ED numbers of clinical influenza cases underestimate the influenza burden among patients aged 65 years and over, especially when a A(H3N2) influenza subtype circulates.


To estimate the real burden of influenza epidemic on emergency departments (ED) attendances and hospitalizations among patients over 65 years in order to better understand determinants of overcrowding and mortality excess.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Approximately 2.7 million Americans live with chronic HCV, with roughly 30,000 new cases in 2013. Fortunately, recent clinical trials have shown great advances using interferon-free, oral direct-acting antivirals, with cure rates over 95% . But only a few people have been treated, and most are unaware of the infection. This presents an opportunity for public health to address unmet needs, but most jurisdictions have limited surveillance and prevention efforts. Leveraging HCV surveillance, this analysis presents a cost-effective method to improve situational awareness and guide prevention efforts in Houston.


To describe the use of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) viral load (VL) results and geospatial analysis to guide prevention efforts.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

DENV, CHIKV and ZIKV are all transmitted by mosquitoes and have occurred in outbreaks in the Caribbean. Common symptoms (which can be severe and disabling) are similar among the 3 viruses and include fever, joint pain/swelling, headache, muscle pain and rash. In December 2015, the first endemic case of ZIKV infection was reported by VACHS. Since that time, an increasing number of ZIKV infections have been reported in Puerto Rico. Due to the growing ZIKV outbreak, we performed ongoing testing and surveillance.


We describe surveillance for Dengue virus (DENV), Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) in VA Caribbean Healthcare System (VACHS) from the start of ZIKV transmission in Puerto Rico.




Submitted by uysz on

As the lead for coordinating domestic incident management across all Federal departments and agencies, Department of Homeland Security is responsible for identifying emergency response resources. The 2014 Ebola – Zaire outbreak in West Africa that became a Public Health Emergency of International Concern highlighted the need to understand the current and potential availability of diagnostic assays for a number of viral hemorrhagic fevers that may require similar response actions. A concatenated list of publically reported potential viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostic assays was therefore compiled. Etiologic agents in the families of Arena-, Bunya-, Filo-, and Flaviviridae were included in the analysis. This list identifies assays in various stages of development that could be submitted, at some point, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) should such a need arise.


Provide a succinct review of potential developmental and commercial viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostic assays published in peer-reviewed literature and open-source platforms.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Anthrax is an acute especially dangerous infectious disease of animals and humans. Bacillus anthracis is a potential bioterrorism tool. In Ukraine, there are favorable natural conditions for the spread of anthrax. There are 13.5 thousand of constantly anthrax-troubled points. Anthrax epidemic situation in Ukraine could be characterized as unstable. Because of the continuing reform of Ukrainian human health entities, the State Sanitary Epidemiological Service (SSES) has lost its control functions and is remaining in an uncertain state, which increases possible risks.

Submitted by uysz on

Since Cryptosporidium can be transmitted by ingestion of infected food animals and poorly treated water and by direct contact it is possible for infection to occur through ingestion of under cooked frogs and through handling and processing of infected frogs. In Burkina Faso frogs caught are sold to market-women who treat the frogs by emptying their bowels and frying in oil before selling them, this is not always the case for the Nigerian frog markets where frogs are sometimes smoked or dried without necessarily been fried, before consumption . This may pose a health risk for transmission of cryptosporidiosis from infected frogs.



To evaluate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium species in edible frogs (Ranaspp) sold at the Hanwa frog market Zaria, Kaduna State,Nigeria

Submitted by uysz on

Dengue fever is a dynamic infectious disease, allowing the patient to rapidly move from one stage to another during its course. Proper management of patients depends on early recognition of warning signs, continuous monitoring and re-staging cases and prompt fluid replacement. The telemedicine and Electronic Patient Records (EPR) belong to a series of advances of new features such as decision-making support systems including efforts on health monitoring, in view of the EPR as a support tool to allow the association of welfare activities as a database for the management of epidemiological information and monitoring. In addition, telemonitoring systems can be used for the monitoring of patients with chronic diseases in their homes which leads to cost savings in hospitalization and ensures appropriate care and the proper development of these patients. The continuous remote monitoring of these patients decreases the amount of hospital visits for monitoring procedures, also facilitating successful treatment, as in the fever dengue cases.


Report successful experience in fighting dengue fever in the Hospital and Emergency Services in São Bernardo do Campo, joining the flowchart included, telephone monitoring and Electronic Patient Records.

Submitted by Magou on