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Patel Megan

Attached is a word document with multiple syndromes that we have found useful during the coagulopathy cluster situation. Most used queries are highlighted in yellow.

These queries were created in response to marijuana, particularly synthetic marijuana, tainted with anticoagulants often found in rodent poisons.



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In March 2018, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) was informed of a cluster of coagulopathy cases linked to SC use. By June 30, 2018, 172 cases were reported, including five deaths, where 74% were male and the mean age was 35.3 years (range: 18–65 years). All cases presented to an emergency department (ED) at least once for this illness. Ninety-four cases provided clinical specimens and all tested positive for brodifacoum, a long-acting anticoagulant used in rodenticide. Cases were reported to the health department by the Illinois Poison Control Center and direct reporting from hospitals. REDCap was the primary database for tracking cases and collecting demographic information, risk factor data and healthcare facility utilization, including number of ED visits. Syndromic surveillance was utilized to monitor ED visits related to the cluster, assist with case finding and provide situational awareness of the burden on the EDs and geographic spread. In this study, we retrospectively used syndromic surveillance along with the data in REDCap to quantify the number of ED visits per coagulopathy case, understand the reasons for repeat visits, and determine whether visits were captured in syndromic surveillance.

Objective: To determine whether emergency department (ED) visits were captured in syndromic surveillance for coagulopathy cases associated with an outbreak linked to synthetic cannabinoid (SC) use and to quantify the number of ED visits and reasons for repeat visits.

Submitted by elamb on

Electronic public health surveillance serves an especially important function during mass events. Megan Patel, from the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH), will discuss the use of the cloud-based ESSENCE system for situational awareness during the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago, IL. This webinar will highlight improved functionality obtained via the cloud-based version of ESSENCE, as well as provide a real-life example of utilization.

The webinar will cover:


Comparison of heat-related health effects across regions or among different syndromic surveillance systems is problematic due to the lack of a standardized heat-related syndrome definition. While a national standard for common heat-related syndromes would facilitate data comparisons, local customization of syndromes to adjust for unique public health events or characteristics is often necessary to optimize use of syndromic surveillance data.


To determine differences in case detection using different syndrome definitions for heat-related health effects.

Submitted by knowledge_repo… on

Hospital emergency departments in Cook and surrounding counties currently send data to the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) instance of ESSENCE on CCDPH servers. The cloud instance of ESSENCE has been enhanced to receive and export all meaningful use data elements in the meaningful use format. The NATO summit provided the opportunity for a demonstration project to assess the ability of an Amazon GovCloud instance of ESSENCE to ingest and process meaningful use data, and to export meaningful use surveillance data to the Cook County Locker in BioSense 2.0.


In May 2012, thousands of protesters, descended on Chicago during the NATO Summit to voice their concern about social and economic inequality. Given the increased numbers of international and domestic visitors to the Windy City and the tension surrounding protesting during the summit, increased monitoring for health events within the city and Chicago metropolitan region was advised. This project represents the first use of cloud technology to support monitoring for a high profile event.

Submitted by uysz on

Despite decades of attempts to promote judicious AU, the US has high rates of per-person antimicrobial consumption, and extremely high rates of carbapenem use. Such profligate use is a key factor in the high rate of antimicrobial-resistant infections seen in US healthcare facilities. Antimicrobial stewardship (AS) programs have been identified as a critical component of intervention strategies. A core component of AS programs is tracking AU, which is needed to monitor trends in use, focus interventions on aberrant behaviors, promote judicious use, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. A system designed to extend two national data models would provide a scalable platform for rapid adoption of AU reporting.


Plan, develop, and pilot an open source system that could be integrated into the PCORnet (PCORI) and Sentinel (FDA) national common data models (CDMs) to generate antimicrobial use (AU) reports submittable to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The system included ancillary tables, and data quality and report generation queries. The DataMIME system will allow hospitals to generate comparable AU reports for hospital inpatients.

Submitted by elamb on

Tobacco use is the leading global cause of preventable death, killing more than five million people per year. In addition, exposure to secondhand smoke is estimated to kill an additional 600,000 people globally each year. In 1986, the US Surgeon General’s Report declared secondhand smoke to be a cause of lung cancer in healthy nonsmokers. The first law restricting smoking in public places was enacted in 1973 in Arizona that followed the 1972 Surgeon General’s Report providing awareness of the negative health effects associated with the exposure to air pollution from tobacco smoke. Smoke-free laws were slowly enacted after this time point with most occurring after the year 2000. In July 2007, the Smoke Free Illinois Act (SB0500, Public Act 095-0017) was passed in IL. The ban went into effect on Jan 1, 2008 and Illinois joined 22 other states in prohibiting smoking in virtually all public places and workplaces including offices, theaters, museums, libraries, schools, commercial establishments, retail stores, bars, private clubs, and gaming facilities. While many studies have examined the effect of smoking bans on hospitalizations, this study would be the first to examine the effect of the comprehensive smoking ban in IL on ED visits by utilizing chronic disease categories created with ED chief complaint data captured by syndromic surveillance. The author hypothesizes that the comprehensive smoking ban in IL significantly reduced the ED visits associated with AMI, ACS, stroke, and COPD in adults in Cook County, IL.


To utilize ED chief complaint data obtained from syndromic surveillance to quantify the effect of the Illinois smoking ban on acute myocardial infarction (AMI), acute coronary syndrome (ACS), stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related ED visits in adults in Cook County, IL.

Submitted by elamb on

Syndromic Surveillance (SS), traditionally applied to infectious diseases, is more recently being adapted to chronic disease prevention. Its usefulness rests on the large number of diverse individuals visiting emergency rooms with the possibility of real-time monitoring of acute health effects, including effects from environmental events and its potential ability to examine more long-term health effects and trends of chronic diseases on a local level.


To create chronic disease categories for emergency department (ED) chief complaint data and evaluate the categories for validity against ED data with discharge diagnoses and hospital discharge data.

Submitted by elamb on

Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can prevent fatal encephalitis associated with exposure to the rabies virus. However, overuse and inappropriate administration of rabies PEP are common.1 Mandatory reporting of potential rabies exposures provides opportunities for public health practitioners to monitor the appropriateness of PEP administration and offer recommendations. In Illinois, potential human exposure to rabies, including any person started on PEP and any person with contact to a bat, must be reported to the local health authority. Previous investigations into the completeness of rabies reporting have concluded that active surveillance in addition to mandatory reporting may be useful.2 As rabies PEP is often given in an emergency department setting, syndromic surveillance records may provide a basis for estimating completeness of reporting and identifying candidates for active surveillance follow up.


To determine whether unreported cases of potential human exposure to rabies can be detected using an emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance system and to assess both reporting completeness and compliance with clinical guidelines related to rabies exposures in suburban Cook County.

Submitted by Magou on

Community health assessments are a foundation of public health practice and a prerequisite to achieving public health accreditation. Best practice dictates that CHAs must incorporate qualitative and quantitative data and utilize a number of indicators to create a detailed picture of a community’s health. Metrics may describe demographics, social and economic factors, health behaviors, health outcomes, and healthcare access and utilization. Commonly used indicators facilitate cross-jurisdiction comparisons and simplify decisionmaking. However, while many readily available indicators exist on a county level, few have been made available on the sub-county level. Syndromic surveillance messages, typically emergency room visit records, contain sub-county level data on patient residence, such as zip code or municipality. As hospitals progress towards meeting Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements, transmission of syndromic surveillance data to public health entities will become standard. Analysis of emergency room visit data, either in aggregate or by specific syndromes, may be a valuable sub-county level indicator of community health status and access to care that can be standardized across jurisdictions.


To identify geographic clustering of elevated emergency room (ER) usage rates for incorporation into community health assessments (CHA) in suburban Cook County and to validate this metric as a potential sub-county level community health indicator.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on