Electronic public health surveillance serves an especially important function during mass events. Megan Patel, from the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH), will discuss the use of the cloud-based ESSENCE system for situational awareness during the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago, IL. This webinar will highlight improved functionality obtained via the cloud-based version of ESSENCE, as well as provide a real-life example of utilization.
The webinar will cover:
- background information on the regional public health planning for the NATO Summit;
- a brief overview of the CCDPH surveillance plan during the event;
- specific uses of ESSENCE in the cloud; and
- relative benefits of the cloud-based system.
The ESSENCE in the cloud initiative is supported by the CDC'S Division of Notifiable Diseases and Healthcare Information (DNDHI) BioSense Program.
Megan T. Patel, MPH
Program Manager, Enhanced Surveillance
Communicable Diseases Unit
Cook County Department of Public Health