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What is WEAVE, what can it do, and what is its future?


WEAVE is an interactive web-based analysis and visualization system. It links data (files, databases, sets, ...), multiple visualizations (maps, graphs, ...), and computational tools (statistics, data mining, modeling, simulation, ...). It was designed to provide easy access to existing data sets and simple upload of local data, allowing anyone to visualize any available data anywhere. WEAVE is free and open source - one less barrier to the democratization of data. In this webinar we will provide a rapid introduction to why visualization is useful, show several examples of WEAVE, show what it can do and its flexibility in not just data exploration or real-time monitoring, but also in its developing interactive presentation visualizations for the public. We will then show prototypes of future WEAVE features.


Georges Grinstein - Professor, Computer Science Department Director, Institute for Visualization and Perception Research Director - Center for Biomolecular and Medical Informatics - University of Massachusetts Lowell

Learning Objectives

By the end of this presentation, attendees will...

1. Learn the role and value of visualization for data exploration and presentation.

2. See a variety of visualizations.

3. Learn about WEAVE, a state of the art visual analytics system.

4. Learn about some key research questions in visualization and data analysis.

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