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What is a success story and how do I write one?


Presented March 22, 2018.

Are you facing one of the barriers to writing a story about your surveillance data in action listed below?


  • I don't know what a success story is.
  • I’m not sure if I have a story to share.
  • I have a story, but I don't know how to share it with the community
  • I don't have time to document my story

Have you been asked to write a “success story” but you don’t know where to start? Are you not sure what counts as a success?

The webinar, hosted by ISDS and the NSSP Community of Practice delves into the barriers to writing a success story, defines different types of success stories, and presents those in the community who have already documented their successes. The webinar also explores some of the benefits and uses of success stories to help get a better understanding of how documenting successes can advance the practice of public health.