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Using Poison Center Syndromic Surveillance for Environmental Health Signals Detection


North Carolina Disease Event Tracking and Epidemiologic Collection Tool (NC DETECT) is the Web-based early event detection and timely public health surveillance system in the North Carolina Public Health Information Network. At the present time NC DETECT monitors five data sources: emergency departments, the statewide poison center, the statewide EMS data collection system, a regional wildlife center and laboratories from the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine for suspicious patterns. NC DETECT receives Carolinas Poison Control Center (CPC) data every 24 hours as of August, 2005. CPC provides the poison hotline for the entire state and handles over 105,000 calls a year 24/7/365. Seventy-five percent of calls are from the general public, with the remainder originating from healthcare providers, pharmacists, law enforcement, etc. CPC is staffed by registered nurses and pharmacists specially trained to provide diagnostic and treatment advice for acute and chronic poisonings to the public and healthcare professionals, backed up by board-certified medical toxicologists.



This paper describes the use of CPC data for early detection of chemical and environmental events and the follow up protocol development process.

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