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Using laboratory and medical encounter records to identify impact of prophylaxis policies on group A Streptococcus in three recruit training facilities


Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (GABHS) has caused outbreaks in recruit training environments, where it leads to significant morbidity and, on occasion, has been linked to deaths. Streptococcal surveillance has long been a part of military recruit public health activities. All Navy and Marine Corps training sites are required to track and record positive throat cultures and rapid tests on weekly basis. The Navy and Marine Corps have used bicillin prophylaxis as an effective control measure against GABHS outbreaks at recruit training sites. Though streptococcal control program policies vary by site, a minimum prophylaxis protocol is required and mass prophylax is indicated when local GABHS rates exceed a specific threshold. Before July 2007, prophylaxis upon initial entry was required between October and March, and when the local rate exceeded 10 cases per 1000 recruits. In July 2007, the Navy instituted a policy of mass prophylaxis upon initial entry throughout the year. Evaluation of GABHS cases before and after implementation of the new policy, including overall rates, identification of outbreaks, and inpatient results will help enhance the Navy’s ability to evaluate threshold levels, provide  systematic/standardized monitoring across the three recruit sites, and inform prophylaxis and monitoring strategies.



To compare trends of GABHS among recruits before and after changes in prophylaxis implementation using electronic laboratory and medical encounter records.

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