The French syndromic surveillance system SursaUD® has been set up by Santé publique France, the national public health agency (formerly French institute for public health - InVS) in 2004. In 2016, the system is based on three main data sources: the attendances in about 650 emergency departments (ED), the consultations to
62 emergency general practitioners’ (GPs) associations SOS Médecins and the mortality data from 3,000 civil status offices [1]. Daily, about 60,000 attendances in ED (88% of the national attendances), 8,000 visits in SOS Médecins associations (95% of the national visits) and 1,200 deaths (80% of the national mortality) are recorded all over the territory and transmitted to Santé publique France. About 100 syndromic groupings of interest are constructed from the reported diagnostic codes, and monitored daily or weekly, for different age groups and geographical scales, to characterize trends, detect expected or unexpected events (outbreaks) and assess potential impact of both environmental and infectious events. All-causes mortality is also monitored in similar objectives. Two user-friendly interactive web applications have been developed using the R shiny package [2] to provide a homogeneous framework for all the epidemiologists involved in the syndromic surveillance at the national and the regional levels.
The presentation describes the design and the main functionalities of two user-friendly applications developed using R-shiny to support the statistical analysis of morbidity and mortality data from the French syndromic surveillance system SurSaUD.