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Use of Syndromic Surveillance in the Investigation of Salmonella Wandsworth Outbreak


On June 22, 2007 increases in over-the-counter (OTC) electrolyte and child anti-fever medication sales were detected through routine OTC surveillance. Increases in emergency department (ED) data for gastrointestinal (GI) illness among <5 year olds were observed on June 23 and 24. Further analyses indicated clustering within one borough of NYC, with three EDs having most of the visits. Because NYC has had limited success in detecting spatial outbreaks using syndromic surveillance in the past, an investigation was not immediately initiated.

DOHMH was notified of a multi-state outbreak of S. wandsworth suspected to be associated with the snack food Veggie Booty® on June 26. Cases were predominantly young children and included 8 confirmed cases among NYC residents with onset dates from March 4 – May 19.



To determine whether increases in GI illness detected through OTC drug sales and ED syndromic surveillance were linked to a multi-state outbreak of S. wandsworth associated with the consumption of Veggie Booty® snack food.

Submitted by elamb on