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Use of Cell-Phones to Strengthen Malaria Surveillance-Response Systems of Bangka/Belitung, Indonesia - A proposal


The Government of Indonesia (GoI) aims to eliminate Malaria by 2030 in 4 stages (Wismarini, 2009. To reach the elimination phase High Case Incidence (HCI) areas go through a pre-elimination phase. The aim of the proposed project is to support one of the Stage 3 provinces in reaching the pre-elimination phase by 2015, and to assist its HCI districts and municipalities in re-orienting their programs to malaria elimination. The pre-elimination phase can be attained by following these evidence-based technical strategies: (1) Prompt & accurate diagnosis of cases; (2) Prompt treatment with effective medicines, including intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp); (3) Selective, targeted & integrated vector control; and, (4) Emergency & epidemic preparedness. (Olumese, 2008).


To seek collaboration with international research institutions and funding agencies.

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