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US Destinations of Newly Arrived Immigrants and Refugees with Suspect TB, 2009-2010


Immigrants and refugees are required to undergo tuberculosis (TB) screening before entering the United States (US)(1). Nearly 700 overseas panel physicians designated by the US Department of State, perform these screenings (2). Over 450,000 new immigrants and nearly 80,000 refugees arrive in the US each year with their medical documentation (3). Those with culture positive or smear positive TB are treated prior to arrival in the US; those with radiographic or symptomatic TB but negative smears and culture may enter the US with Class B TB(4). After arrival, CDC's Electronic Disease Notification system (EDN) notifies the health departments of the results of overseas examinations.


To conduct preliminary assessment of the US destination locations among newly arriving immigrants and refugees with tuberculosis classifications

Submitted by elamb on