Under leadership of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness has established the Veterans Affairs Integrated Operations Center, with the goal of enhancing integration and analysis of data, and information from VA’s preparedness partners, both internal and external, for timely decision support. The Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness oversee emergency preparedness for the VA, which includes responsibility for preparedness activities at Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The VHA provides medical care to over 5 million patients a year at 153 medical centers, and over 900 outpatient clinics in the United States, and the United States territories. The Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness is developing a VA–Subject Matter Expertise Center for Biological Events in collaboration with the VHA–National Infectious Diseases Program Office. The Subject Matter Expertise Center for Biological Events is initiating pilot projects to examine data sources, integration, and predictive analysis. The recent increase in dengue cases internationally prompted the Office of Operations, Security and Preparedness, and the Subject Matter Expertise Center for Biological Events to establish collaborations, and investigate factors influencing dengue disease patterns in VHA facilities. The National Weather Service has the mission to provide weather, water and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property, and enhancement of the national economy. The Veterans Affairs Integrated Operations Center enabled collaboration with the National Weather Service for integration of weather, water and climate data, and retrospective analysis into preparedness activities.
The objective of this study is to describe Veterans Affairs Integrated Operations Center-enabled collaborations to enhance the synergy of relevant data/information from Veterans Affairs (VA) and non-VA partners for improved early warning, and situational awareness of infectious disease threats.