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Tools and Apps to Enhance Situational Awareness for Global Disease Surveillance


Situational awareness is important for both early warning and early detection of a disease outbreak, and analytics and tools that furnish information on how an infectious outbreak would either emerge or unfold provide enhanced situational awareness for decision makers/analysts/public health officials, and support planning for prevention or mitigation. Data sharing and expert analysis of incoming information are key to enhancing situational awareness of an unfolding event. In this presentation, we will describe a suite of tools developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) that provide actionable information and knowledge for enhanced situational awareness during an unfolding event; The biosurveillance resource directory (BRD), the biosurveillance analytics resource directory (BaRD) and the surveillance window app (SWAP).


To develop a suite of tools that provides actionable information and knowledge for enhanced situational awareness during an unfolding event such as an infectious disease outbreak.

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