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Tools and Apps to Enhance Situational Awareness for Global Disease Surveillance


Situational awareness is important for early warning and early detection of infectious disease outbreaks and occurs at both local and global scales. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is developing a suite of tools to provide actionable information and knowledge for enhanced situational awareness during an unfolding event. These tools are available to the global disease surveillance community through the LANL biosurveillance gateway (, under "resources" tab) or through independent links provided with each tool description;

The Biosurveillance Resource Directory

(BRD, A tool to facilitate obtaining disease surveillance information. Contains information on disease surveillance resources worldwide 

The Biosurveillance Analytics Resource Directory (BARD, ): A tool to rapidly select appropriate epidemiological models for infectious disease prediction, forecasting and monitoring. Currently includes information on models for Malaria, Cholera, Influenza, Dengue and foot and Mouth Disease.  

The Surveillance Window app (SWAP, ): An app to provide context and a frame of reference for disease surveillance information on an unfolding event, through matching of user input to a library of global historical disease outbreaks


Alina Deshpande, Ph.D.,  Senior Scientist/Team Leader, Defense Systems and Analysis Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Learning Objectives

1.      To learn about the decision support tools that LANL is developing

2.      To determine the utility of these tools through review

3.      To provide feedback to the developers for refinement

4.      To identify resources/models/outbreaks that should be added to the tools