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Syndromic Surveillance


Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus (GAS). The clinical symptoms are usually mild. Before October, 2007, case-based surveillance of scarlet fever was conducted through notifiable infectious diseases in Taiwan, but was removed later from the list of notifiable disease because of improved medical care capacities. In 2011, Hong Kong had encountered an outbreak of scarlet fever (1,2). In response, Taiwan developed an integrated syndromic surveillance system using multiple data sources since July 2011.


To develop an integrated syndromic surveillance system for timely monitoring and early detection of unusual situations of scarlet fever in Taiwan, since Hong Kong, being so close geographically to Taiwan, had an outbreak of scarlet fever in June 2011.


Submitted by Magou on

Syndromic surveillance systems offer richer understanding of population health. However, because of their complexity, they are less used at small public health agencies, such as many local health departments (LHDs). The evolution of these systems has included modifying user interfaces for more efficient and effective use at the local level. The North Carolina Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center previously evaluated use of syndromic surveillance information at LHDs in North Carolina. Since this time, both the NC DETECT system and distribution of syndromic surveillance information by the state public health agency have changed. This work describes use following these changes.


Our objective was to describe changes in use following syndromic surveillance system modifications and assess the effectiveness of these modifications.



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The negative effect of air pollution on human health is well documented illustrating increased risk of respiratory, cardiac and other health conditions. Currently, during air pollution episodes Public Health England (PHE) syndromic surveillance systems provide a near real-time analysis of the health impact of poor air quality. In England, syndromic surveillance has previously been used on an ad hoc basis to monitor health impact; this has usually happened during widespread national air pollution episodes where the air pollution index has reached "High"™ or "Very High"™ levels on the UK Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI). We now aim to undertake a more systematic approach to understanding the utility of syndromic surveillance for monitoring the health impact of air pollution. This would improve our understanding of the sensitivity and specificity of syndromic surveillance systems for contributing to the public health response to acute air pollution incidents; form a baseline for future interventions; assess whether syndromic surveillance systems provide a useful tool for public health alerting; enable us to explore which pollutants drive changes in health-care seeking behaviour; and add to the knowledge base.


To explore the utility of syndromic surveillance systems for detecting and monitoring the impact of air pollution incidents on health-care seeking behaviour in England between 2012 and 2017.

Submitted by elamb on

Effective clinical and public health practice in the twenty-first century requires access to data from an increasing array of information systems. However, the quality of data in these systems can be poor or “unfit for use.” Therefore measuring and monitoring data quality is an essential activity for clinical and public health professionals as well as researchers. Current methods for examining data quality largely rely on manual queries and processes conducted by epidemiologists. Better, automated tools for examining data quality are desired by the surveillance community.


To extend an open source analytics and visualization platform for measuring the quality of electronic health data transmitted to syndromic surveillance systems.

Submitted by elamb on

Public Health England's syndromic surveillance service monitor presentations for gastrointestinal illness to detect increases in health care seeking behaviour driven by infectious gastrointestinal disease. We use regression models to create baselines for expected activity and then identify any periods of signficant increases. The introduction of a rotavirus vaccine in England during July 2013 (Bawa, Z. et al. 2015) led to a reduction in incidence of the disease, requiring a readjustment of baselines.


To adjust modelled baselines used for syndromic surveillance to account for public health interventions. Specifically to account for a change in the seasonality of diarrhoea and vomiting indicators following the introduction of a rotavirus vaccine in England.

Submitted by elamb on

Syndromic surveillance involves monitoring big health datasets to provide early warning of threats to public health. Public health authorities use statistical detection algorithms to interrogate these datasets for aberrations that are indicative of emerging threats. The algorithm currently in use at Public Health England (PHE) for syndromic surveillance is the ‘rising activity, multi-level mixed effects, indicator emphasis’ (RAMMIE) method (Morbey et al, 2015), which fits a mixed model to counts of syndromes on a daily basis. This research checks whether the RAMMIE method works across a range of public health scenarios and how it compares to alternative methods.


To investigate whether alternative statistical approaches can improve daily aberration detection using syndromic surveillance in England.

Submitted by elamb on

Overdose deaths involving opioids (i.e., opioid pain relievers and illicit opioids such as heroin) accounted for at least 63% (N = 33,091) of overdose deaths in 2015. Overdose deaths related to illicit opioids, heroin and illicitly-manufactured fentanyl, have rapidly increased since 2010. For instance, heroin overdose deaths quadrupled from 3,036 in 2010 to 12,989 in 2015. Unfortunately, timely response to emerging trends is inhibited by time lags for national data on both overdose mortality via vital statistics (8-12 months) and morbidity via hospital discharge data (over 2 years). Emergency department (ED) syndromic data can be leveraged to respond more quickly to emerging drug overdose trends as well as identify drug overdose outbreaks. CDC’s NSSP BioSense Platform collects near real-time ED data on approximately two-thirds of ED visits in the US. NSSP’s data analysis and visualization tool, Electronic Surveillance System for the Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE), allows for tailored syndrome queries and can monitor ED visits related to heroin overdose at the local, state, regional, and national levels quicker than hospital discharge data.


This paper analyzes emergency department syndromic data in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Syndromic Surveillance Program’s (NSSP) BioSense Platform to understand trends in suspected heroin overdose.

Submitted by elamb on

The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse in Idaho was anticipated to lead to a large influx of visitors in many communities, prompting a widespread effort to assure Idaho was prepared. To support these efforts, the Idaho Syndromic Surveillance program (ISSp) developed a plan to enhance situation awareness during the event by conducting syndromic surveillance using emergency department (ED) visit data contributed to the National Syndromic Surveillance Program’s BioSense platform by Idaho hospitals. ISSp sought input on anticipated threats from state and local emergency management and public health partners, and selected 8 syndromes for surveillance. Ideally, the first electronic message containing information on an emergency department visit is sent to ISSp within 24 hours of the visit and includes the chief complaint for the visit. Data on other variables, such as diagnosis codes, are updated by subsequent messages for several days after the visit. Chief complaint (CC) text and discharge diagnosis (DD) codes are the primary variables used for syndrome match; delay in reporting these variables adversely affects timely syndrome match of visits. Because our plan included development of new syndrome definitions and querying data within 24 hours of visits, earlier than ISSp had done previously for trend analysis, we sought to better understand syndrome performance.


In August 2017, a large influx of visitors was expected to view the total solar eclipse in Idaho. The Idaho Syndromic Surveillance program planned to enhance situation awareness during the event. In preparation, we sought to examine syndrome performance of several newly developed chief complaint and combination chief complaint and diagnosis code syndrome definitions to aid in interpretation of syndromic surveillance data during the event.

Submitted by elamb on

ILINet is a CDC program that has been used for years for influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance, using a network of outpatient providers who volunteer to track and report weekly the number of visits due to ILI and the total number of visits to their practice. Pennsylvania has a network of 95 providers and urgent care clinics that submit data to ILINet. However, ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining providers, and inconsistent weekly reporting are barriers to receiving accurate, representative, and timely ILI surveillance data year-round. Syndromic surveillance data have been used to enhance outpatient ILI surveillance in a number of jurisdictions, including Pennsylvania. At present, 156 hospitals, or 90% of all Pennsylvania hospitals with emergency departments (EDs), send chief complaint and other information on their ED visits to the Department of Health’s (PADOH) syndromic surveillance system. PADOH evaluated the consistency and reliability of ILI syndromic data as compared to ILINet data, to confirm that syndromic data were suitable for use in ILINet.


Discuss use of syndromic surveillance as a source for the state’s ILI/Influenza surveillance Discuss reliability of syndromic data and methods to address problems caused by data outliers and inconsistencies.

Submitted by elamb on

Final Four-associated events culminated in four days of intense activity from 3/31/17-4/3/17, which attracted an estimated 400,000 visitors to Maricopa County (population 4.2 million). Field teams of staff and volunteers were deployed to three days of Music Fest, four days of Fan Fest, and three Final Four games (Games) as part of an enhanced epidemiologic surveillance system.


To describe and present results of field-based near-real time syndromic surveillance conducted at first aid stations during the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Men’s College Basketball Championship (Final Four) events, and the use of field team data to improve situational awareness for Mass Gathering events.

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