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In 2004, Sante publique France, the French Public Health Agency set up a reactive all-cause mortality surveillance based on the administrative part of the death certificate, in the final objectives 1/ to detect unexpected or usual variations in mortality and 2/ to provide a first evaluation of mortality impact of events. In 2007, an Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS) was implemented, enabling electronic transmission of the medical causes of death to the agency in real-time. To date, 12% of the mortality is registered electronically. A pilot study demonstrated that these data were valuable for a reactive mortality surveillance system based on causes of death. A strategy has thus been developed for the analysis in routine of the medical causes of death with the objectives of early detection of expected and unexpected outbreaks and reactive evaluation of their impact. This system will allow approaching the cause accountability when an excess death will be observed.

Objective: The aim of this study is to present the syndromic groups that will be routinely monitored for the reactive mortality surveillance based on free-text medical causes of death.

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