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A U.S. Department of Defense program is underway to assess health surveillance in resource-poor settings and to evaluate the Early Warning Outbreak Reporting System. This program has included several information-gathering trips, including a trip to Lao PDR in September, 2006.



This modeling effort will provide guidance for policy and planning decisions in developing countries in the event of an acute respiratory illness epidemic, particularly an outbreak with pandemic potential.

Submitted by elamb on

To inform health professionals and the public directly about real-time utilization of local Emergency Departments for respiratory and gastrointestinal illness to enable enhanced communication and collaboration between Public Health and health care workers.

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Case detection from chief complaints suffers from low to moderate sensitivity. Emergency Department (ED) reports contain detailed clinical information that could improve case detection ability and enhance outbreak characterization. We developed a text processing system called Topaz that could be used to answer questions from ED reports, such as: How many new patients have come to the ED with acute lower respiratory symptoms? Of the respiratory patients, how many had a productive cough or wheezing? How many of the respiratory patients have a past history of asthma?



To evaluate how well a text processing system called Topaz can identify acute episodes of 55 clinical conditions described in ED notes.

Submitted by elamb on

Electronic  Health  Record  (EHR)  data  offers  the  researcher a potentially rich source of data for tracking disease  syndromes. Procedures  performed  on  the  patient, medications prescribed (not necessarily filled by  the  patient),  and  reason  for  visit  are  just  some  characteristics of the patient encounter that are available  through  an  EHR  that  can  be  used  to  define  surveillance  syndromes.    Since  procedures  have  not  been used frequently in defining syndromes, encounter  level  procedures  data,  extracted  from  the  EHR  of  a   large   local   primary   care   practice   with   about   200,000 patient encounters per year was used to identify  procedures  associated  with  an  established  respiratory syndrome.


To investigate the utility of different sources of patient encounter information, particularly in the primary care setting, that can be used to characterize surveillance syndromes, such as respiratory or flu.

Submitted by elamb on

The City of Atlanta, volunteer organizations, and the faith community operate several homeless shelters throughout the city. Services available at these shelters vary, ranging from day services, such as meals, mail collection, and medical clinics, to overnight shelter accommodations. In addition to the medical clinics available at these facilities, the Atlanta homeless population also utilizes emergency departments in Fulton County for their health care needs.



This paper describes a cluster of Streptococcus pneumoniae infections identified through emergency department syndromic surveillance.

Submitted by elamb on

After the SARS outbreak in 2003, Beijing established Fever Clinics in major hospitals for the early detection of potential respiratory disease outbreaks. The data collection in Fever Clinics contains the basic patient information, body temperature, cough, and breath condition, as well as a primary diagnosis. Since the symptoms and diagnosis are mainly recorded in free text format, it is very difficult to use for data analysis. Because of the problems in data processing, the data collection has decreased.



This paper describes the methodology in the development of an Integrated Surveillance System for Beijing, China.

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Submitted by elamb on

The prompt detection of disease outbreaks is a major concern to public health as it has the potential to reduce morbidity and mortality (1). Real-time syndromic surveillance uses existing non-traditional data for timely analysis and feedback to those responsible for investigations and follow-up of potential outbreaks (2). Recent studies have suggested that integrating multiple data sources can significantly improve detection accuracy of syndromic surveillance systems, but more work is needed to explore the most effective means of said integration and what types of data streams give the greatest benefit (3;4).


This paper will examine the temporal relationship between Ontarioís emergency department (ED) visits and telephone health line (Telehealth Ontario) call volume for respiratory illnesses, in an effort to test the feasibility of using Telehealth Ontarioís system for real-time surveillance.

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