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Data Quality


An active syndromic surveillance system was designed to collect cattle health information from a sample of Texas cattle market sales. Texas Animal Health Commission livestock inspectors record the total number of animals observed along with the total number displaying clinical signs of interest grouped into body system categories (e.g. respiratory, neurologic, etc.). Inspection reports are submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture Veterinary Services (VS) Risk Identification Team for monitoring. 


Implement a mobile technology platform to capture and transmit syndromic cattle data collected at Texas market sales. 

Submitted by Magou on

Once a facility meets data quality standards and is approved for production, an assumption is made that the quality of data received remains at the same level. When looking at production data quality reports from various states generated using a SAS data quality program, a need for production data quality assessment was identified. By implementing a periodic data quality update on all production facilities, data quality has improved for production data as a whole and for individual facility data. Through this activity several root causes of data quality degradation have been identified, allowing processes to be implemented in order to mitigate impact on data quality. 


To explore the quality of data submitted once a facility is moved into an ongoing submission status and address the importance of continuing data quality assessments. 


Submitted by Magou on

Circumstances within the military environment may place military personnel at increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV. HIV bio-behavioral risk studies provide a critical source of data to estimate HIV/STI prevalence and identify risk factors, allowing programs to maximize impact by focusing on the drivers of the epidemic. 


We present lessons learned from over a decade of HIV bio- behavioral risk study implementation and capacity-building in African militaries. 

Submitted by Magou on

In September, 2015, Nigeria was delisted from the list of polio endemic countries globally. To be certified polio free, the country must attain and maintain certification standard Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP) surveillance for additional two-years. In Oyo State, no case of Wild Polio Virus (WPV) has been reported since February, 2009.


We evaluated the AFP surveillance system in Oyo State to assessits attributes and determine if it was meeting its set objectives.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Traditionally, public health surveillance departments collect, analyze, interpret, and package information into static surveillance reports for distribution to stakeholders. This resource-intensive production and dissemination process has major shortcomings that impede end users from optimally utilizing this information for public health action. Often, by the time traditional reports are ready for dissemination they are outdated. Information can be difficult to find in long static reports and there is no capability to interact with the data by users. Instead, ad hoc data requests are made, resulting in inefficiencies and delays.

Use of electronic dashboards for surveillance reporting is not new. Many public health departments have worked with information technology (IT) contractors to develop such technically sophisticated products requiring IT expertise. The technology and tools now exist to equip the public health workforce to develop in-house surveillance dashboards, which allow for unprecedented speed, flexibility, and cost savings while meeting the needs of stakeholders. At Alberta Health Services (AHS), in-house, end-to-end dashboard development infrastructure has been established that provides epidemiologists and data analysts full capabilities for effective and timely reporting of surveillance information. 


To address the limitations of traditional static surveillance reporting by developing in-house infrastructure to create and maintain interactive surveillance dashboards. 

Submitted by Magou on

Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by Plasmodium falciparum. About 3.2 billion people worldwide are at risk of malaria. Children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the disease. Sub- Saharan Africa carries a high share of the global malaria burden. Effective malaria surveillance system is essential in the control and elimination of malaria. Worldwide, there were an estimated 198 million cases of malaria in 2013 and 584,000 deaths. 


To describe the process of operation of the system and assess its key attributes, to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the surveillance system and make appropriate recommendations to stakeholders for its improvement. 

Submitted by Magou on

This webinar will present a set of tools developed for visualizing data quality problems in aggregate surveillance data, in particular for data which accrues over a period of time. This work is based on a data quality analysis of aggregate data used for ILI surveillance within the Distribute system formerly operated by the ISDS. We will present a method developed as a result of this analysis to ‘nowcast’ complete data from incomplete, partially accruing data, as an example of how forecasting methods can be used to mitigate data quality problems.


To provide community input on data quality issues and enhance data quality through sharing and testing of scripts.

Summary of activities:

The Data Quality workgroup has worked to address Data Quality issues through the development, sharing and testing of scripts. The Data Quality workgroup formed a DQ EHR-Vendor Concern Subcommittee to address issues across vendors nationwide. 

Submitted by uysz on