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Cold-related illness


Overseas studies showed that increases in over-the-counter (OTC) drug sales might serve as an indicator of community disease outbreaks before they are detected by conventional surveillance systems. Using data collected retrospectively from commercial drug retailers, the Department of Health of Hong Kong conducted an exploratory study to examine the potential of monitoring OTC drug sales for early detection of community disease outbreaks.



This study evaluates whether OTC drug sales can serve as an earlier indicator for detecting community disease outbreaks in Hong Kong.

Submitted by elamb on

This query is used to assess trends in hypothermia or cold exposure in emergency department visits in ESSENCE. The query captures cold exposure, hypothermia, and frost bite using chief complaint, triage note, and discharge diagnosis code (ICD-10CM). The query does not exclude hypothermia related to an underlying medical condition.

Submitted by Anonymous on

This syndrome was created as a way to monitor Frostbite, Cold Exposure, & Hypothermia in Kansas Emergency Department visits. **Please note that the hypothermia portion of this syndrome was created to ONLY include hypothermia associated with low environmental temperature.

Syndromic Surveillance System - NSSP ESSENCE

Data sources - Emergency Room Visits

Fields Used - CCDD (an ESSENCE-concatenated field of Chief Complaint and Discharge Diagnosis)

Submitted by ZSteinKS on