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Surveillance for nationally notifiable infectious conditions using ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes in the VA ESSENCE biosurveillance system


The Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) obtains electronic data from 153 Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers plus outpatient clinics in all 50 states, American Samoa, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Currently, there is no centralized VA reporting requirement for nationally notifiable infectious conditions detected in VA facilities. Surveillance and reporting of cases to local public health authorities are performed manually by VA Infection Preventionists and other clinicians. In this analysis, we examined positive predictive value of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes in VA ESSENCE to determine the utility of this system in electronic detection of reportable conditions in VA.



To determine the utility of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes in the VA ESSENCE for detection and public health surveillance of nationally notifiable infectious conditions in veteran patients.

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