In 2012, the Oregon Public Health Division (OPHD) took advantage of the opportunity created by Meaningful Use, a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Program, to implement statewide syndromic surveillance. The Oregon syndromic surveillance project, or Oregon ESSENCE, began accepting MUcompliant HL7 2.5.1 data in late 2013. Early onboarding efforts were labor-intensive and led to the creation of a testing queue. As interest in submitting syndromic data increased, Oregon ESSENCE streamlined the onboarding process by creating guidance for HL7 message construction, message testing and submitter business process details (collectively referred to as “onboarding documents”). Oregon ESSENCE also built a project management database to track MU testing statuses and data quality variations. With this system, Oregon ESSENCE collected, tested and approved all 32 eligible health systems (56 hospitals) for production-level submission by mid-2015. One health system (with four hospitals) continued to send non-MU compliant syndromic data for the duration of the project period.
To design a low budget process to enroll, track and approve syndromic submitters for ongoing submission of data to the Oregon Public Health Division.