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Social Mobilization Dengue Hemorrhagic Vector Control and Sustainability in Indonesia


Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease in Indonesia and the most rapidly spreading over the past 40 years. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality especially among children. Beside of that, larval habitats are increasing rapidly in Padang city as urban areas. It refers to poor populations lacking basic health services. Effective bottom-up community participation increasingly is recognized as an important component of environmentallysustainable control programs. But community based health service action become weak recently in Padang Indonesia. It needs some new energy to strengthen2. Adoption of social capital concept into the program could be a way out. An action research through communitybased approaches is developed to reduce disease transmission and environmental management for control of dengue hemorrhagic fever.


This presentation aims to developed comprehensive dengue hemorrhagic fever vector control by new approach social mobilization of city residents in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia and to monitor its sustainability of the program for 4 years.

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