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The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP), virtually convened the 2021 Syndromic Surveillance Symposium from November 16-18, 2021. The event was held during the following dates and times:

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Query purpose:

To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected benzodiazepine overdoses.

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Query purpose:

To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected stimulant overdoses.

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Query purpose:

To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected heroin overdoses.

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Query purpose:

To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected opioid overdoses.

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Query purpose:

To assist state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in monitoring emergency department (ED) visits for suspected overdoses of any drug.

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Why the syndrome was created:

The purpose of the CDC Legionella v1 ESSENCE query is to capture potential visits related to Legionella. It is useful to identify potential cases for follow-up, conduct situation awareness and monitoring of outbreaks, and perform retrospective trend monitoring across geographic regions to identify possible disease hotspots, etc.

Data sources the syndrome was used on (e.g., emergency room, EMS, air quality):

Emergency room

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Why the syndrome was created:

The purpose of CDC Medication Refill v1 is to monitor visits for any medication/prescription that a patient may have run out of. Anything repetitive that needs routine refill visits - dialysis, oxygen, heart, BP, cholesterol.

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