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The DQ Dashboard is an interactive tool developed to help you identify potential data processing issues and to ensure useful syndromic data by measuring the timeliness, completeness, and validity of data being processed on the BioSense Platform.

Marcus Rennick, Epidemiologist with the Marion County Public Health Department (WV), provides an overview/training on the BioSense System.


Time Overview:

(45 minutes) Syndromic Surveillance and BioSense Overview

(90 minutes) Hands-on BioSense Tutorial

(20 minutes) Introduction and hands-on to other ways to access the data than just the front end application

(20 minutes) Resources and Community Support

Submitted by elamb on

In February, ISDS and the BioSense Redesign Team hosted a Webinar on winter weather surveillance. Now, as the weather becomes warmer, we invite you to learn about what two midwestern states do for heat-related illness (HRI) surveillance. Fatema Mamou and Bill Storm, epidemiologists from Michigan and Ohio, will describe how they conduct HRI surveillance and what they do with the information once it's gathered. They will focus on multiple methodologies and systems, including their states' home syndromic surveillance systems as well as BioSense 2.0.