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The prevalence of rabies cases in the territory of Azerbaijan, January 2015-June 2016


Rabies is an infectious disease which was and remains to be one of the most serious diseases of all species of hematothermal animals and humans, in many regions of the world. The epizootic situation on rabies in the Republic of Azerbaijan has been unfavorable for many years, which is confirmed by scientific data and the veterinary cases reporting in the EIDSS system. This system was introduced in the country in 2009 and is the electronic System of disease control. The program allows to provide monitoring and prevention of diseases within the concept “One World - One Health System” by integration of systems of observation of animal diseases, human diseases, and disease carriers.


to show the instability of an epizootic situation on rabies cases of animals in the Republic of Azerbaijan, on the example of the cases analysis in Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS) electronic reporting system


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