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Preparing for the Pandemic: A Review of State Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans Reveals Increased Reliance on Advanced Surveillance; Recommendations for Pandemic Influenza Surveillance


In response to increasing reports of avian influenza being identified throughout the eastern hemisphere, the U.S. Homeland Security Council, the Infectious Disease Society of America, and others have called for expansion of enhanced, real-time electronic syndromic and other advanced surveillance systems to supplement the traditional surveillance systems recommended in U.S. Department of Health & Human Services pandemic influenza preparedness plan guidance. Like many states, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, has updated its own Pandemic Influenza Response Plan to reflect its expanding arsenal of surveillance systems. These systems include a syndromic surveillance system, known as the Hospital Admissions Surveillance System (HASS), developed in September 2001 to monitor for possible bioterrorism events and emerging infections. HASS data has been utilized to supplement information received from laboratoryconfirmed influenza test results, influenza-like-illness reporting, and pneumonia influenza mortality to track seasonal influenza since 2003.



This paper summarizes the results of a continued review of state pandemic influenza preparedness plans and compares various approaches for routine influenza surveillance during interpandemic periods with approaches for enhanced surveillance during pandemic alerts. The increased reliance of syndromic and other advanced surveillance systems by U.S. states for seasonal influenza tracking and pandemic preparedness planning is documented.

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