The purpose of the National Collaborative for Bio-preparedness (NCB-P) is to enhance biosurveillance and situational awareness to better inform decision-making using a statewide approach. EMS represents a unique potential data source because it intersects with patients at the point of insult or injury, thus providing information on the timing and location of care. North Carolina uses a standardized EMS data collection system, the Prehospital Medical Information System (PreMIS), to collect information on EMS encounters across the state using the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) template. Since NEMSIS is planned to be incorporated by EMS agencies in every state, an EMS-based approach to biosurveillance is extensible nationally.
To develop a statewide biosurveillance system based on emergency medical services (EMS) information which employs both symptom-based illness categorization and spatiotemporal analysis.