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Monitoring Pharmacy Retail Data for Anomalous Space-Time Clusters


Bio-surveillance systems monitor multiple data streams (over-the-counter (OTC) sales, Emergency Department visits, etc.) to detect both natural disease outbreaks (e.g. influenza) and bio-terrorist attacks (e.g. anthrax re-lease). Many detection algorithms show impressive results under simulated environments, but the complex behavior of real-world data and high costs associated with processing false positives make it difficult to develop practical bio-surveillance systems. We believe that using expert knowledge from public health officials will help us to better understand the real-world data, improving our ability to distinguish actual disease outbreaks from non-outbreak patterns.



This paper describes the evolution of a bio-surveillance system that incorporates user feedback to improve system utility and usability. The system monitors national-level OTC pharmacy sales on a daily basis. We use fast spatio-temporal scan statistics to detect disease outbreaks.

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