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Lyme Disease - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Uploaded on behalf of Grace Marx, MD, MPH: Bacterial Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, CDC.


This syndrome definition was created to explore Lyme disease through Syndromic data as an efficient approach to monitor the disease. 

This was created in NSSP ESSENCE, using the Chief Complaint Query Validation (CCQV) data to ensure a broad application across different states and jurisdictions.

Other fields are being explored, but this work was accomplished in the CCDD field. It relies on direct mentions of Lyme, Bullseye Rashes and Lyme ICD-10.

Syndrome Definition

(,^lyme^,or,(,(,^ lime ^,or,^lime,or,lime^,),AND,^disease^,),or,(,^Bull^,AND,^Eye^,AND,^Rash^,),or,^[;/]A69.2^,or,^[;/ ]A692^,),ANDNOT,(,^history l[iy]me^,or,^history of l[iy]me^,or,^lyment^,),

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