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An Introduction to RStudio & R Markdown webinar - Beginner & Intermediate


Presented August 21, 2018 to the R Group for Biosurveillance.


Phil Bowsher is the Director of Healthcare and Life Sciences at RStudio. His work focuses on innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, with an emphasis on interactive web applications, reproducible research and open-source education. He is interested in the use of R with applications in drug development and is a contributor to conferences promoting science through open data and software. He has experience at a number of technology and consulting corporations working in data science teams and delivering innovative data products. Phil has over 10 years’ experience implementing analytical programs, specializing in interactive web application initiatives and reporting needs for life science companies. 

Sean Lopp has a degree in mathematics and statistics and worked as an analyst at the National Renewable Energy Lab before making the switch to customer success at RStudio. In his spare time he skis and mountain bikes and is a proud Colorado native.