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Inferring Travel from Social Media


The spread of infectious diseases is facilitated by human travel. Infectious diseases are often introduced into a population by travelers and then spread among susceptible individuals. Likewise uninfected susceptible travelers can move into populations sustaining the spread of an infectious disease.

Several disease-modeling efforts have incorporated travel data (e.g., air, train, or subway traffic) as well as census data, all in an effort to better understand the spread of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, most travel data is not fine grained enough to capture individual movements over long periods and large spaces. It does not, for example, document what happens when people get off a train or airplane. Thus, other methods have been suggested to measure how people move, including both the tracking of currency and movement of individuals using cell phone data. Although these data are finer grained, they have their own limitations (e.g., sparseness) and are not generally available for research purposes.

FourSquare is a social media application that permits users to "check-in" (i.e., record their current location at stores, restaurants, etc.) via their mobile telephones in exchange for incentives (e.g., location-specific coupons). FourSquare and similar applications (Gowalla, Yelp, etc.) generally broadcast each check-in via Twitter or Facebook; in addition, some GPS-enabled mobile Twitter clients add explicit geocodes to individual tweets.

Here, we propose the use of geocoded social media data as a real-time fine-grained proxy for human travel.



To use sequential, geocoded social media data as a proxy for human movement to support both disease surveillance and disease modeling efforts.

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