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Infant fever trends following the launch of the meningococcal B vaccine in the UK


From 1 September 2015, babies in the United Kingdom (UK) born on/after 1 July 2015 became eligible to receive the MenB vaccine, given at 2 and 4 months of age, with a booster at 12 months. Early trials found a high prevalence of fever (over 38°C) in babies given the vaccine with other routine vaccines at 2 and 4 months. We used syndromic surveillance data to assess whether there had been increased family doctor (general practitioner (GP)) consultations for fever in young infants following the introduction of the vaccine. 


To use syndromic surveillance data to assess whether there has been an increase in GP fever consultations since the inclusion of the meningococcal B (MenB) vaccine in the UK vaccination schedule. 

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